Mark Ohno |
A |
B |
The following list of abbreviated markings is of [mostly] Japanese optical companies involved with binoculars and identified by my research. Some abbreviations are found written, and some appear within logos. Keep in mind the abbreviation could represent Romanji, Anglicized, or the company with an earlier name. This resource is also applicable to telescopes, spotting scopes, microscopes and similar products. This is based on documented logo ownership and other period documentation and is NOT speculative AND NOT based on opinions. |
A.K.C. : Akebono Kogaku Co (Akebono Kōgyō Seisakujo 曙光学工業 ) ASA : Asahi Kogakuki Co Ltd. AOCo : Asahi Optical Co (Asahi Kōgaku Kōgyō) & ( 旭光学工業株式会社 ) B.O.L. : Bushnell Optical Laboratory Inc (US based inspection operation B.S.D. : Bunshodo Co Ltd C.O.C. : Carton Optical C o (Carton Optical Industries Ltd / カートン光学株式会社) C.P.O. : Japanese export only marking E.O.C. : Eikow Optical Co. Ltd F.E. : Far Eastern Sales Co (US importer) FJM : Fujimi Optical Co Ltd F.P.O. : Fuji Photo Optical Co Ltd FUJIOPT : Fuji Optical Co Ltd G.M.C. : GMC Trading Co AG of Switzerland, Gujer & Mueli Co .) K.K. : (preceded by co name) Kabushiki Kaisha ( 株式会社 ) means “stock co” KKK : Kyowakoki Co Ltd H.O.C. : Hiyoshi Optical Co . IHC : Ichizuka Optical Industrial Co Ltd I.O.C. : Itabashi Optical Mfg Co Ltd IS : Sokkisha Co. Ltd JO : J. Osawa Co Ltd J.T.I.I. : Japan Telescopes Inspection Institute K : Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo Co Ltd ( 大森総合光学工業 ) (logo) K.O.C. : Kanto Optical Co ( Kantō Kōgaku Kabushiki Kaisha ) ( 関東光学株式会社 ) K.O.C. : Katsuma Optical Co Ltd ( Katsuma Kōgaku Kōgyō K.K.) ( 勝間光学工業株式会社 ) K.O.C. : Kinei Optical Co K.O.C. : Kuroki Optical Co Ltd K.O.I.C. : Kuroki Optical Instrument Co Ltd KOYU : (not abbr) Koyu Co. Ltd. KS : Koizumi Sokki Mfg Co Ltd K.S.S. : Kobayashi Seiki Seisakujo Ltd LEO : Leotax Camera Co Ltd M : Mikasa & Co. M-F-L: Montgomery Frost-Loyd’s Co, Ma USA M.S.C. : Meiji Seiko Co Ltd ( 明治精工株式会社 ) M.S.K. : Meiji Seiko Kogaku NAOKI : believed Tokuhiro Micro Binocular Co./ Tokuhiro Kōki Seisakusho Inc./ 徳弘光機製作所株式会社 N.B.K. : Nippon Buna Koki Co. Ltd. NDK : Nippon Denki Kogyo Co Ltd NKK : Nanshin Optical Industry Co Ltd ( Nashin Kogaku Kogyo ) O.I.C. : Optical Industrial Co (Zuiho brand of Olympus Optical Co Ltd.) O.S.K. : Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo Co Ltd ( 大森総合光学工業 ) O.T.C. : Oriental Trading Co . (Exporter buying agent, same entity as Toyo Jitsugo) PIKA : Nashimura Optical Works Ltd. R.K.K. : Riken Kōgaku Kōgyō 理研光学工業㈱ , (Pre-Ricoh ) S & A : Swift and Anderson SES : Sokueisha Co. Ltd S.K. : Sankyo Kohki Optical Goods Works Ltd SK : Kuribayashi camera Industry SM: Mamiya Camera Co Ltd SMC : trade mark marking of Pentax Corp S.O.C. : Showa Optical Co Ltd S.P.I. : Southern Precision Instrument s Co Inc (US importer) T : Tamaya & Co. Ltd T : Togodo Optical Co Ltd TERA : Teraoka Seiko Co Ltd T.J.K. : Toyo Jitsugo Kogyo Kaisha./ Oriental trading Co. (buying agent/exporter/mfgr) T.K.K.: Toei Kogaku Kogyo. T.O.C. (in surround) trade mark of Tokyo Optical Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Y : Yashica Co. Ltd Y.K.K. : Yamada Kogaku Kogyo Co Ltd Z in circle logo Zuiho Optical Co Ltd (trading co./exporter), affiliated Zuihō Kōgaku Seiki K.K 瑞宝光学精機工業株式会社 (assembling manufacturer |
Mystery Markings of Miniature Binoculars: Seeking Information. Mystery Markierungen auf Miniatur- Ferngläser : Benötigte Informationen. Marquages Mystèrieux Jumelles Miniatures: Informations Requises. Тайна Миниатюрный Бинокли Маркировки: Информация, необходимая. ミステリーミニチュア双眼鏡マーキング:情報が必要。 Mysterietketter på Minikikare : Information Behövs. Marcas de Misterio en Prismáticos Miniatura: Información Necesaria. Marcature di Misterio sui Binocoli Miniaturizzati: Informazioni Necessarie. |
Identified Markings on Mininature Binoculars . Identifiziert Markierungen auf Miniatur- Ferngläser. Les marques relevées sur les jumelles miniatures . Выявленные Маркировка на миниатюрных Бинокль. ミニチュア双眼鏡で識別マーキング. Identifierade Märkning på Miniatyr Kikare. Las marcas identificadas en Prismáticos miniatura. Marcature Abbreviate Delle Aziende Giapponesi Coinvolte con il Binocolo. |
“ MSC ” Meiji S eiko Co Ltd 明治精工株式会社 |
E |
F |
G |
H |
“ KOIC ” when associated with “LICHTER” is Kuroki Optical Instrument Co Ltd. aka: Kuroki Kogaku Kogyo Co . Ltd. This is according to a 1961 book written by Robert & Elsa Reichert, confirmed by the Europa Logos list. |
C |
ミニチュア双眼鏡 |
懐 かしの双眼鏡 |
J |
K |
L |
“ K.O.C. ” when associated with Lichter is the english translation of Kuroki Kogaku Kogyo Co. Ltd.: Kuroki Optical Company . The brand connection is according to a 1961 book written by Robert & Elsa Reichert. |
M |
N |
“ BOL ” is Bushnell Optical Laboratory Inc. 2828 East Foothill Blvd, Pasadena Ca 91107, incorporated on 1/02/1952. Bushnell owned this “inspection and further guarantee” company. |
JB001 Toa Optical Co., Ltd. (Toa Kōgaku Kōgyō Kabushiki-geisha )( 東亜光学株式会社 ): 1-7 Chihaya-cho, Toshima-ku, Tokyo JB5 JE5 Meiji Seiko Co, Ltd. ( 明治精工株式会社 ) : 803 Yukigaya-cho, Ota-ku, Tokyo JB6 Asahi Optical Co. Ltd. (Asahi Kōgaku Kōgyō Kabushiki-geisha ) ( 旭光学工業株式会社 ) 980 Shimura-maeno-cho, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo JB6 Pentax Corporation (Pentakkusu Kabushiki-geisha )( ペンタックス株式会社, ) JB7 JE7 Nippon Kogaku Kogyo Co. Ltd. (Nippon Kōgaku Kōgyō Kabushiki-geisha) ( 日本工学株式会社 ) : Oi-Morimae-cho, Shingawa-ku, Tokyo JE11 Omiya Kōgaku Kikai Seisakujo, Tokyo ( 大宮光学機械製作所 ) JE14 Ueta Seiki Co. Ltd JB17 Otake Optical Co (Otake Kōgaku Kōgyō Kabushiki-geisha( 大竹光学工業株式会社 ) JB25 Zuiho Optical Instrument Co Ltd. ( Zuihō Kōgaku Seiki K.K., Tokyo )( 瑞宝光学精機工業株式会社 ) 3-7 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo JE44 IIkura Optical Works (Iikura Kogaku Seisakujo Inc.) ( 飯倉光学製作所 ) : 43 Tokumaru-cho, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo JB47 Tokuhiro Micro Binocular Co: (Tokuhiro Koki Seisakusho Inc)( 徳弘光機製作所株式会社 )9-1101 Nippori-machi, Arakawa-ku, Tokyo JE49 Sankyo Optical Co Ltd. (Sankyo Kōgaku Kōgyō Kabushiki-geisha) ( 三共光学工業株式会社 ) : 2-8 Naka-Jujo, Kita-ku, Tokyo JE50 Tanaka Optical Co Ltd (Tanaka Koki Seisakujo) ( 田中光機製作所 ) 4 Fujimi-cho, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo JE51 Yoshimoto Optical Co Ltd. : ( 吉本光学株式会社 ) 1-3340 Nishi-Sugamo, Toshima-ku, Tokyo JB56 Hyoshi KogakuCo. Ltd JB57 JE57 Oji Optical Machine Co. Ltd (Oji Kōgaku Kikai K.K.)( 王子光学機械株式会社 ) 5-34 Inatsuke-Nishi-machi, Kita-ku, Tokyo JB69 Akebono Optical Co., Ltd. (Akebono Kōgyō Seisakujo) ( 曙光学工業 ) : 1-956 Nogata-cho, Nakano-ku, Tokyo JB74 JE74 Omori Sogo Kōgaku Kōgyō Ltd.( 大森総合光学工業 ) : 202 Ikegami-Honcho, Ota-Ku, Tokyo JE79 Furukawa Kōgaku Seisakujo ( 古川光学製作所 ) JE84 Oei Kōgaku Co Ltd. ( 応永光学株式会社 ) JB63 Ofuna Optical Instrument Co., Ltd (Ofuna Kōgaku K.K.)( 大船光学工業株式会社 ) 659 Dai, Kamakura-shi, Kanagawa JB93 Siewa Optical Co. Ltd. (Seiwa Kōgaku Kōgyō Kabushiki-geisha ) ( 清和光学株式会社 ) : 5-1617 Naka-machi, Nerima-ku, Tokyo JE94 Ibuki Kogaku Ltd ( 伊吹光学株式会社 ) JE96 Nikkei Optical Co, Tokyo ( 日経光学株式会社 ) JB133 Kamakura Optical Co, Ltd: 2-51-2 Shimo-machi, Kita-ku, Tokyo JB173 Okaya Optical Co, Ltd (Okaya Kōgaku Kikai K.K.) 岡谷光学機械㈱ , ( Vista brand binoculars) JB231 Tochihara Optical Co ( 栃原光学株式会社)
The Following Manufacturers are associated with these type miniature binoculars, but not through JB or JE codes
Asanuma & Co Ltd Carton Optical Industries Ltd ( カートン光学株式会社) Fuji Photo Optical Co,. Ltd: 1-24 Uetake-cho, Omiya-Shi, Saitama Ibuki Kōgaku Co. Ltd. ( 伊吹光学株式会社 ) Hoya Optical Co, Ltd. (Hoya Kōgaku Kōgyō Kabushiki-geisha) ( 保谷光学株式会社 ) 38 Oyama-Kanai-cho, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo Kuroki Kogaku Kogyo Co. Ltd. Oriental Trading Co Oshimoto Kōgaku Co Ltd Rikken Optical Co., Ltd. (Riken Kōgaku Kōgyō K.K.) ( 理研光学工業㈱ ) Tokyo Kogaku Kikai Toyo Jitsugo KK W. Haking Enterprises Ltd. Est 1956 in Hong Kong by Dr. Haking Wong and Dr. Pauline Chan (Halina brand binoculars) Yashica Co Ltd ( Yashica Kōgyō Kabushiki-geisha ) ( ㈱ ヤシカ ) plus U.S. subsidiary marketing firm Yashica Inc.
“ AOCo ” is Asahi Optical Co (later became Pentax) aka: 旭光学工業株式会社 aka: Asahi Kōgaku Kōgyō Kabushiki-gaisha Heiland div of Honeywell was the US importer for a while. |
P |
Japanese External Reverse Porro Prism Binoculars. VIRTUAL MUSEUM |
“ HOC ” is believed to be Hiyoshi Optical Co . (JB-56) |
Is “ T.O.M. Co. ” T oho O ptical M fg Co ? Toho made binoculars, the letters match, and the time frame is about right, but this is purely speculative. |
I |
O |
Do you know the meaning of these markings? Kennen Sie die Bedeutung dieser Markierungen? Connaissez-vous la signification de ces marques? Знаете ли вы, что означают эти маркировки? あなたはこれらのマーキングの意味を知っていますか? Vet du inneborden av dessa markeringar ? Conoce usted el significado de estas marcas? |
“ MSK ” is the romaji for Meiji Seiko Kōgaku , the earlier version of “ MSC ” Meiji Seiko Co Ltd |
“ RKK ” is Riken Kōgaku Kōgyō 理研光学工業㈱ , (later became Ricoh) |
“ MCF ” is Mikron (design) Center Focus |
“ MIF ” is Mikon (design) Independent Focus |
Abbreviated Markings of Japanese Companies Involved with Binoculars. Abgekürzt Markierungen der Japanischen Firmen mit Fernglas Beteiligt. Abrégées Marquages des Sociétés Japonaises Impliquées avec des Jumelles. Сокращенные Маркировки японских компаний, занимающихся с биноклем. 双眼鏡 で関与する日本企業の短縮マーキング. Kortnummer Märkning av Japanska Företag som Sysslar med Kikare. Verkorte Markeringen van de Japanse Bedrijven die Betrokken zijn met Verrekijkers. Las Marcas Abreviadas de Compañías Japonesas que Participan con los Prismáticos. Marcature Accreiate Delle Aziende Giapponesi Coinvolte con il Binocolo. |
Y.E. in diamond |
P.T.C. |
“ S&A ” is S wift & A nderson, after 1959 Swift Sport Instrument Co. |
AK |
A.P.O. |
Center Focus Binoculars: Partially Disassembled. Zentrum Fokus Fernglas: Teilweise Zerlegt. Mise au Point Centrale Jumelles: Partiellement Dissimulé. Центральный фокус бинокль:: частично разобрана. Optistar センターフォーカス双眼鏡:部分的に分解 . Center Focus Kikare: Delvis Demonterade. CenterFocus Prismáticos: Parcialmente Desarmado. Binocolo Centrale a Fuoco: Parzialmente Disassemblato. |
MANUFACTURER CODES I HAVE OBSERVED ON MINIATURE BINOCULARS. Die Codes des Herstellers, Die Ich auf Miniaturferngläsern Beobachtet Habe. Codes de Fabricant Trouvés sur les Jumelles Miniatures Japonaises. Коды производителя я заметил на миниатюрный японский бинокль. メーカーコード小型双眼鏡で観察された . Tillverkarens Nummer jag har Lakttagits i Miniatyr Kikare. Códigos del Fabricante he Observado en Miniatura Prismáticos. Codici del Produttore Che ho Osservato Sui Binocoli in Miniatura. |
Note that some manufacturer’s miniature binocular activity falls outside of the JB/ JE code time frame (before or after), such as Rikken. And in some cases a company that was an optical manufacturer may have apparently had all of their miniature binoculars made by others under contract (Carton, Hoya, Yashica). The address below are circa 1959, and may represent either sales offices or manufacturing plants. Die folgenden Adressen sind circa 1959 und stellen möglicherweise entweder Verkaufsbüros oder Produktionsanlagen dar. Les adresses suivantes sont environ 1959 et représentent probablement soit bureaux de vente ou des usines. |
Speculation About Markings on Binoculars. Spekulationen über Ferngläser Kennzeichnungen. Les Spéculations sur Jumelles Marques. Слухи о Бинокли разметке. 双眼鏡 マーキングについて憶測. Spekulation om Kikare Märkningar. La Especulación Acerca Prismáticos Marcas. Speculazione Sulle Marcature Sui Binocoli. |
WK?KW? |
M.I.I . |
C.E.Z. |
S.U.I. |
S.A.C. |
“ OSK ” is Omori Sogo Kogaku , in the right hand example manufacturing for importerdistributor United Binocular Co. of Chicago Illinois, USA. |
Is“ A.K. ” A kebono K ōgaku? Akebono is more associated with the AKC “pyramid” logo, and this is not AKC, but since they are heavily associated with miniature binoculars, it is plausible or likely but still only speculative. |
The center focus binoculars above are the configuration that move the oculars in and out to focus. Disassembly to service is more complex than for independent focus models. |
NK |
The “ FE ” logo is Far Eastern Sales Co, 2251 West Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, California USA. |
S.K.K. |
“ O.T.C. ” is Oriental Trading Co. , and they state this in their 1951 ad in the Journal of Finance & Commerce. The Japanese exporter, Oriental Trading Co., supplied most of Bushnell’s miniature binoculars, and is documented to have supplied other US importers. |
TOR is Optical Trading Co., founded in 1948, was listed in directories as a manufacturer/exporter/importer of binoculars |
Japanese telescope enthusiasts ascribe “ NAOKI ” to Tokuhiro Micro Binocular Co./ Tokuhiro Kōki Seisakusho Inc./ 徳弘光機製作所株式会社. And I have observed “ NAOKI ” often associated with JB47 (MFGR CODE FOR Tokuhiro) on Binolux, Carton, Fuji, Hoya, Rainbow and Zenith branded binoculars So this is speculative but probable and with some evidence. |
“ KOC ” above is believed to be Kuroki Optical Company , in example supplying Chicago Illinois based US binocular importer/distributor United Binocular Co. |
Binoculars taste like peas with highlights of beet and just a hint of lima bean... |
“ GMC ” is GMC Trading AG of Wallisellen Switzerland ( distributes photographic & optical products), previously Gujer & Mueli Co . |
“ CPO ” and “ EP ” are Occupied Japan era markings indicating items for export (untaxed) both for military post exchanges and conventional export. The markings are related to the myriad of SCAP and Japanese authorities governing materials allocation, trade, procurement, export, taxation, and promotion of manufacturing. Exact meaning is uncertain, though central Procurement Office & Central Purchasing Office are common interpretations.and my research indicates “EP” is ‘Export Property” |
“ M ” type is M icronType or M ikron type |
S.T.C. |
$ A.K. AOK A.P.C. A.P.O. C.E.Z. C.F.C. C.P.O. C.T.A. |
NK OMS OVO P.T.C. R.T.D. S & G S.A.C. S & G SIO |
T.0.0.K. T.O.M V.G.C YAM Y.E. |
“ TJK ” is T oyo Jitsugo Kogaku K.K., which was the Kugahara factory of Oriental Trading Co., (OTC) and is “Oriental Trading Co” as expressed in Romanji. Oriental Trading Co was a documented buying agent & supplier of binoculars & telescopes to US distributors and importers. |
“ K.O.C. ” when associated with Kanto or Glanz binoculars is the English translation of Kanto Kogaku K.K.: Kanto Optical Co . The link between Kanto and Glanz is per a 1951 advertisement. |
“ SPI ” is Southern Precision Instruments Co Inc. 3419 E. Commerce St Ste E, San Antonio, Texas 78220-1334. (importer) |
“ M ” as above is Micron Type or Mikron type. “ Koyu ” is Koyu Co Ltd. (1954-1970) predecessor Co. to Vixen Co. Ltd. |
“ O.I.C. ” , usually on Zuiho binoculars, stands for Optical Instrument Co . When OIC is used on the Olympus logo (only) it is for Optical Industrial Co. |
Is “ S.K.K. Co. ” S eiwa K ō gaku K ō gyō Co .? Seiwa was a prolific contract maker of these small binoculars and the SKK is in the portion of a logo where the manufacturer normally goes. Unfortunately it is not the only binoculars maker that would fit the letters even if the most likely one. Also the S.K.K. is could be Sakura Kō gaku Kō gyō Co. but I have been unable to find reference to any co by that name. So all purely s peculative. |
“ OTC ” is Oriental Trading Co . export part of TJK T oyo Jitsugo Kogaku K.K , buying agent & supplier of binoculars & telescopes to US importers. |
Is “ T.K.K. ” T ōkyo K ō gaku K ikai K.K.or Tokyo Optical Company Ltd 東京光学機械㈱ ? The standard well documented logo used by Tokyo Kogaku Kikai K.K. is on the right above. The time period is right and they actively marketed binoculars to the west from the occupation period on. Eventually they ecame Topcon K.K. But T.K.K. being Tokyo Kogaku is purely s peculative . |
“ S.O.C.” is Showa Optical Co Ltd according to period documentation of the Japan Telescope Manufacturer’s Association and period trademark logo data |
“ FPO” is Fuji Photo Film Co per the above period Matsushima Optical Japanese catalog |
submitted by Hotze Barendse, Holland |
Is “ GM ” US outdoor outfitter G ander M ountain? Plausible and they sold binoculars and the sportsman part would fit. But, arguing against this is that Gander Mountain used the trademarked GMTN initials on lots of things and not GM, so this is speculative and perhaps only wishful thinking. |
”SWC” is Stellar Ware Co per WIPO documentation |
“ KOYU ” on Maruzan binoculars is believed to be Koyu Co Ltd , (Vixen) |
“ AKC” is Akebono Kogaku Co. ( 曙光学工業 ) |
“ MLC ” means Multi Layered Coating |
“ K ” and “ PLUM ” are markings of Omori Sogo Kogaku Kogyo Co Ltd , 大森総合光学工業 |
Prism cover marks |
Frame mark |
“ I.O.C. ” is believed to be Itabashi Optical Manufacturing Co Japan |
S&G |
Identified Markings on Other Binoculars . Identifiziert Markierungen auf Ferngläser. Les Marques Relevées sur les Jumelles. Выявленные Маркировка на миниатюрных Бинокль. ミニチュア双眼鏡で識別マーキング. Identifierade Märkning på Kikare. Las marcas identificadas en Prismáticos. Marcature Abbreviate Delle Aziende Giapponesi Coinvolte con il Binocolo. |
German third Reich military acceptance Waffenamt code, on binoculars. For list see: |
British military property ownership mark (broad arrow) |
British military property disposal mark, (facing broad arrows) |
Australian military property ownership mark, on binoculars. |
British military “ B ” Bloomed (coated) mark |
German WWII manufacturers codes on our binoculars. For list applicable to optics see Codes beh: Ernst Leitz Gmbh, Wetzlar; blc: Carl Zeiss, Jena; rnl; Carl Zeiss, Jena after Nov 1944; cag: Swarovski); dkl: Joseph Schneider Optische Werke; ddx: Voightlander & Sons, Brunswick |
Japanese binoculars logo of Sokueisha Co Ltd. |
Japanese binoculars logo of J. Osawa Co Ltd. |
Japanese binoculars logo of Ixhizaka Optical Industrial Co Ltd. |
Japanese binoculars logo of Kobatashi Seiki Seisakujo Ltd. |
Japanese binoculars logo of Sankyo Kohki Works Ltd |
Japanese binoculars logo of Katsuma Optical Co Ltd. |
Japanese binoculars logo of Tanaka Optical Co Ltd. |
German military “ + ” cold weather grease #1442 (E lubricant) mark |
German military “ KF ” (K ätelfest) cold weather Invarol lubricant mark |
German military blue “ O ” cold weather Vacuumfett #1416 lubricant mark |
“ ABC ” is Alfred Baumann Cassel |
“ EOC ” is Eikow Optical Co. |
British military “ W ” waterproofed mark |
British military red painted authorized removal (often meaning sealant used) fastener |
“ Z. ” in circle logo is believed the mark of export trading Co Zuiho Optical Co Ltd , and the JB25 the code of the affiliated assembling manufacturer Zuihō Kōgaku Seiki K.K ( 瑞宝光学精機工業株式会社 ). See DISTRIBUTION #9 for details on them |
“ M-F-L ” is Montgomery Frost-Loyd’s Co, a Massachussetts retail optician chain 1907-1990 |
T.O.O.K. |
German military blue “ X ” cold weather #1442 lubricant mark |
Swiss military govt cross property mark |
German military red “ X ” grease upgrade mark |
German military grease cold weather lubricant mark |
German military “ D.F. ” mark for Doppelfernrohr (Double telescope) |
British admiralty (navy) property mark (yellow broad arrow) |
“ TOA ” is TOA Kōgaku Kōgyō K.K. |
“ T.O.C ” is Tokyo Optical Manufacturing Co. Ltd |
T.K.K. is Toei Kogaku Kogyo |