These types of small binoculars are appealing and handy |
Japanese External Reverse Porro Prism Binoculars. Internet MUSEUM |
Japanese Miniature Binoculars Made Prior to WWII. Miniaturferngläser sind vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in Japan Jumelles Miniatures Fabriquées Avant la Deuxieme Grande Guerre Mondiale миниатюрные бинокль выпуска до второй мировой войны в Японии ミニチュア双眼鏡が2回目の世界大戦の前に日本で作られます Prismáticos en Miniatura Fabricados Antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en Japón. Binocolo Giapponese in Miniatura Realizzato Prima Della Guerra Mondaile 2. |
In addition to the Nikko Nippon Kōgaku Kōgyō Kabushikigaisha ( 日本光学工業株式会社 ) Mikron binoculars produced just after WWI in 1922 (see JAPANESE ORIGINS #1 ) some other brands of similar designs of miniature binoculars were also produced in Japan during the interwar period, perhaps mostly in the 1930s and early 1940s. They seem to be rather uncommon. There is some documentation that there were pre WWII efforts made to develop Japanese non military binocular exports. In 1935 a Japanese Trade Organization in Singapore created a traveling exhibition of Japanese goods to promote exports, and that exhibit included binoculars (Southeast Asia Studies Vol 21 Issue 4). Based on where they turn up today, interwar miniature binocular export seems to have been primarily to the UK and to the Commonwealth (including Canada). In order to consider a miniature Japanese binocular to probably have a pre-war origin I would expect to see the following characteristics -Painted entirely black (always on pre war) -Prism covers with crinkle (textured) black paint (usually on pre war) -Independent Focus: (always on pre war) -Prism cover screws of unplated brass (usually on pre war) -Metal eye cups of brass (normally or perhaps always on pre war) -No marking of occupied Japan (always) -No marking of Japan (almost always) -Prism covers of brass and not steel (normally or perhaps always) -No chrome plating, with the exception being that the hinge pin screw & related taper fitting are sometimes chrome plated (always). If the binoculars are accompanied by a case, one prefers a pattern seldom or not encountered with post war binoculars, such as a folding flap but molded clamshell seamed case. One prefers a provenance of originating from a country that probably had pre war trade with Japan, but that did not have early post war commercial importation of binoculars from Japan. (such as the UK, Canada, Australia/NZ, Ireland, & Commonwealth). Importation of pre war Japanese binoculars to the US seems to be fairly uncommon, but with a few documented exceptions such as the Race brand. |
Delika Pre-War Japanese Miniature Binoculars. Delika M iniaturferngläser sind vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in Japan. Jumelles Miniatures de ŤDelikať Fabriquées Avant la Deuxieme Grande Guerre Mondiale. Delikať миниатюрные бинокль выпуска до второй ировой войны в Японии Delika 」 ミニチュア双眼鏡が2回目の世界大戦の前に日本で作られます ŤDelikať Prismáticos en Miniatura abricados Antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en Japón. ŤDelikať Binocolo Giaponese |
Delika 6x15 Binoculars and Delica marked case. Serial number 1881, Binocular obtained in the UK. Manufactured prior to WWII in Japan. Collection of Mark Ohno |
Portrena Pre-War Japanese Miniature Binoculars x 2. Portrena Miniaturferngläser x 2 sind vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in Japan. Jumelles Miniatures x 2 de ŤPortrenať Fabriquées Avant la Deuxieme Grande Guerre Mondiale. ŤPortrenať миниатюрные бинокль выпуска до второй мировой войны в Японии x2 . Portrena ミニチュア双眼鏡が2回目の世界大戦の前に日本で作られます x2. ŤPortrenať Prismáticos en Miniatura Fabricados Antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en Japón. ŤPortrenať Binocolo Giaponese in Miniatura Pre-Guerra x2. |
Portrena 6x Binoculars and unmarked cases. Identical markings. No serial numbers present. First example obtained from Ireland, thanks to help by Niall Syms of Dublin in Ireland. Second obtained from the UK. Both manufactured prior to WWII in Japan. Both Collection of Mark Ohno |
I suppose this Delika name was intended to invoke the famous German Leica products of Leitz Wetzlar. Note the similarity of the Delika marked case (top) to this Mikron marked case (above) that was found with a Nkko Mikron binocular manufactured between 1932 and 1945. |
I could find no likely meaning for Portrena. Marking the brand on the frame rather than on the prism covers is rather unusual (it was done on Ofuna post war miniature binoculars) |
Yamato Kogaku Pigmy Pre-War Japanese Miniature Binoculars. Yamato Kogaku Pigmy Miniaturferngläser sind vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in Japan Jumelles Miniatures de ŤYamato Kogaku Pigmyť Fabriquées Avant la Deuxieme Grande Guerre Mondiale.ŤYamato Kogaku Pigmyť миниатюрные бинокль выпуска до второй мировой войны в Японии . Yamato Kogaku Pigmy 」 ニチュア双眼鏡が2回目の世界大戦の前に日本で作られます . ŤYamato Kogaku Pigmyť Prismáticos en Miniatura Fabricados Antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en Japón. ŤYamato Kogaku Pigmyť Binocolo Giaponese in Miniatura Pre-Guerra. |
Race Pre-War Japanese Miniature Binoculars. Race Miniaturferngläser sind vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in Japan. Jumelles Miniatures de ŤRaceť Fabriquées Avant la Deuxieme Grande Guerre Mondiale. ŤRaceť миниатюрные бинокль выпуска до второй мировой войны в Японии. Race 」 ミニチュア双眼鏡が2回目の世界大戦の前に日本で作られます . ŤRaceť Prismáticos en Miniatura Fabricados Antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en Japón. ŤRaceť Binocolo Giaponese in Miniatura Pre-Guerra. |
Race 5x15 Binoculars. Serial number 10616. Ca 1937-1941. Manufactured prior to WWII in Japan, Collection of Mark Ohno (believe Race is intended to evoke racing, rather than skin color) |
Yamato Kogaku Co Ltd Pigmy 6x15 Binoculars, without Case. No serial number present. Manufactured prior to WWII in Japan. Collection of Mark Ohno |
Fuji Kogaku Race 6x15 Binoculars with case. Serial number 16426. Ca 1937-1941. Collection of Mark Ohno.( I appreciate the help of my friend Nico Westphal, of the Netherlands, for facilitating this acquisition) |
Yamato Kogaku Co Ltd Pigmy 6x15 Binoculars with case. No serial number present. Collection of Mark Ohno, Manufactured prior to WWII in Japan. (Appreciate the help of my friend Nico Westphal, of the Netherlands, for facilitating this acquisition) |
RKK Riken Post War Japanese Miniature Binoculars (1947-1952 period ). RKK Riken Miniaturferngläser sind vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in Japan (1947-1952).Jumelles Miniatures de ŤRKK Rikenť Fabriquées Aprčs la Deuxieme Grande Guerre Mondiale (1947-1952).ŤRKK Rikenť миниатюрные бинокль выпуска после войны мировой войны в Японии ( 1947-1953).RKK Riken 」 ミニチュア双眼鏡が2回目の世界大戦の前に日本で作られます (1947-1952).ŤRKK Rikenť Prismáticos en Miniatura Fabricados Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en Japón 1947-52. ).ŤRKK Rikenť Binocolo Giapponese in Miniatura Post-Guerra (1947-1952). |
Yamato Kogaku Co Ltd. Is a fairly generic name. Yamato can be interpreted as being a traditional name for Japan. Kogaku means optical. So in English Yamato Kogaku Co Ltd. is Japan Optical Co Ltd. |
A number of binoculars were produced in the early post war occupation period of 1947-1952 which still had most of the features of pre war miniature binoculars, but are identified as being post war and were either produced when the occupied Japan marking was mandatory (2/47-12/49) or when it was optional (12/49-4/52). These RKK Riken binoculars are typical of these. RKK was for R iken K ōgaku K ōgyo, a company with a complicated history that (see its entry in DISTRIBUTION #7 , and which became Ricoh. I have observed serial numbers for these RKK binoculars from 12,706 to 41,725 so at least 29,000 were made and probably at least 42,000 were made (pending more info.). |
Four RKK Riken 6x15 Binoculars. Made in Occupation period 1947-1952. Collection of Mark Ohno |
RKK Riken binoculars serial number 13268 |
RKK Riken binoculars serial number 20250 |
Markings common to all of these RKK Riken binoculars are coated lens on left side of left front prism, and Riken 6x15 and MADE IN OCCUPIED JAPAN on the right hand prism cover |
RKK Riken binoculars serial number 30951 |
RKK Riken binoculars serial number 31022 |
A fairly unique feature of RKK Riken binoculars serial number 31022 is that one of the objective prism covers is a factory overpainted reused reworked serial numbered front cover from a different [reject? spoiled? ] binocular serial number 31205. Both binoculars would presumably have been from the same batch and binocular 31205 was for some reason cannibalized for parts. |
AOCo Asahi Post War Japanese Miniature Binoculars (1947-1952 period). AOCo Asahi Miniaturferngläser sind vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in Japan (1947-1952). Jumelles Miniatures de ŤAOCo Asahiť Fabriquées Aprčs la Deuxieme Grande Guerre Mondiale (1947-1952). ŤAOCo Asahiť миниатюрные бинокль выпуска после войны мировой войны в Японии ( 1947-1953). AOCo Asahi 」 ミニチュア双眼鏡が2回目の世界大戦の前に日本で作られます (1947-1952) ŤAOCoť Prismáticos en Miniatura Fabricados Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en Japón 1947-1952. ŤAOCoť Binocolo Giapponese in Miniatura Post-Guerra ( 1947-1953). |
AOCo Asahi Optical Co Jupiter Jr. binoculars serial number 5846. Made during Occupation period (pre-1950). Some pre war characteristics. Collection of Mark Ohno |
AOCo Asahi Optical Co Jupiter Jr. binoculars serial number 7507 Made during Occupation period ca 1950.Case Inscribed Christmas 1950 from General Joe Battley . Collection of Mark Ohno |
Brigadier General Joseph F. Battley (1893-1970) was Chief of Service Command Div 1942-1943, Deputy Chief of staff for Service Command Army Service Forces 1944-1945, Chief of Public Relations Army Service Forces 1945-1947 and retired in 1947. |
AOCo Asahi Optical Co Jupiter Jr. ,serial number 9105, Made during Occupation period (ca 1951-1953) Pre war characteristics. Collection of Mark Ohno |
The importer United Binocular Co. of Chicago apparently imported RKK Riken binoculars during the occupation period, as evidenced by serial number 12706 which also carries the United name and falls before the serial numbers of examples above. |
Race Binoculars: Insight into Interwar Distribution of Japanese Miniature Binoculars. Race Fernglas: Einblick in Zwischenkriegs Verteilung der japanischen Miniatur-Ferngläser ŤRaceť Jumelles: Un Aperçu de la Distribution Entre les Deux Guerres de Jumelles Miniatures Japonaises . ŤRaceť бинокль: Insight в межвоенный распределения японских миниатюрных Бинокль. 「 Race 」日本のミニチュア双眼鏡の戦間分布にインサイト:双眼鏡を Race" Kikare: Insikt i Interwar Fördelning av Japanska Miniatyr Kikare. ŤRaceť Prismáticos: La Comprensión de Distribución de Entreguerras Prismáticos Miniatura Japoneses. ŤRaceť Binocoli : Approfondimento Sulla Distribuzione di Binocoli Giapponesi in Miniatura tra le Guerre da. |
Information about interwar Japanese miniature binoculars and their distribution is very scarce. One can analyze countries where they turn up today, and factor in known political and trade circumstances, and speculate. But the real world does not always operate in such a simplified way. So it is exciting when some real information about the interwar years surfaces. L. Oppleman, Inc is documented as an importer in New York City USA in the period 1934-1939, and their 1938 catalog has imported binoculars and telescopes including Race Miniature Japanese binoculars, plus drawing/drafting instruments, German Haenel Air pistols, novelties, and scientific instruments. The Race binoculars did not appear in the 1934 Oppleman catalog. Oppleman also held a US patent for a range finder for cameras. See catalog scans in RESEARCH MATERIALS #1 |
1938 L. Oppleman, Inc Catalog Collection of Mark Ohno. Note that the serial number on my earliest Race binoculars is around 2,116 binoculars later than the serial number of the binoculars in the catalog. |
Some of the products that L. Oppleman was selling in the US in 1938. Since I also collect air guns, I was amused to own the Haenel models 28, and 100, and an earlier version of the mod 26, all of which appear in the 1938 Oppleman catalog. Oppleman would have lost their German and Japanese imported products within a few years. Collections of Mark Ohno |
Do you own one of these miniature binoculars? Send me a photo of someone looking though them and I may post it on this website. Send by email to
Haben Sie eines dieser Miniaturfernglasbesitzen ? Schicken Sie mir ein Foto von jemanden, wenn sie, und ich kann es auf dieser Website veröffentlichen . Per E-Mail an
Possédez-vous un de ces jumelles miniatures ? Envoyez-moi une photo de quelqu'un qui cherche si eux et je peux publier sur ce site . Envoyer par email ŕ
あなたはこれらのミニチュア双眼鏡の 1 を所有していますか?私にそれらかかわら探し誰かの写真を送信し、私はこのウェブサイト上でそれを掲示することがあります 。 に電子メールで送信します
Possiedi uno di questi binocoli miniatura ? Inviami una foto di qualcuno in cerca anche loro e posso postare su questo sito . Invia per e-mail a
Vill du äger en av dessa miniatyr kikare ? Skicka mig ett foto av nĺgon ser även dem och jag kan lägga upp den pĺ denna webbplats . Skicka med e-post till
żEs usted el propietario de uno de estos binoculares en miniatura ? Envíame una foto de alguien que busca , aunque ellos y puedo publicarlo en este sitio web. Enviar por correo electrónico a
Ydych chi'n berchen ar un o'r ysbienddrych bach hyn? Anfon llun o rywun yn edrych arnynt er mi ac efallai y byddaf bostio ar y wefan hon. Anfonwch e-bost at |
Race 5x15 Binoculars. Serial number 9975. Ca 1937-1941. Manufactured prior to WWII in Japan, Collection of Mark Ohno (believe Race is intended to evoke racing, rather than skin color) |
A prism cover has the JB5 manufacturers code of M eiji S eiko K ogaku and Meiji Seiko Co Ltd and 明治精工株式会社 |
Original RKK Riken binoculars box
More Markings on Miniature Binoculars is a Gift of More Information. Weitere Markierungen auf Miniatur- Fernglas ist ein Geschenk Weitere Informationen. Plus de Marques sur Jumelles Miniature un Cadeau de plus d'information est. Еще Маркировка на миниатюрных Бинокли является Дар дополнительная информация. ミニチュア双眼鏡に関する詳しいマーキングは、詳細情報のギフトであります. Fler Märkning pĺ Miniatyr Kikare är en Gĺva av Mer Information. Más marcas en Prismáticos Miniatura es un Regalo de Más Información. Piů Marcature sui Binocolo in Miniatura Sono un Dono di Maggiori Informazioni. |
Once in a while a pair of binoculars shows up with an unusual abundance of markings. This can be quite illuminating. In this case multiple name variations are illustrated for both the distributing and manufacturing entities. |
Vixen 6x15 IF binoculars |
The front pivot has the MSC logo of the anglicized name of the Japanese manufacturer M eiji S eiko Co Ltd also known as M eiji S eiko K ogaku and 明治精工株式会社. |
The right hand prism cover has the logo for the Japanese brand Vixen of Koyu Co which renamed itself Vixen Co 1970 ( ビクセン). |
A prism cover has the MSK logo of the traditional name of the Japanese manufacturer M eiji S eiko K ogaku also known as M eiji S eiko Co Ltd and 明治精工株式会社. |
A prism cover has a logo with M for M ikron type and KOYU for Koyu Co Ltd, predecessor company name of Vixen Co. Ltd. ( ビクセン) |
Molded 2 piece clam seam slide latch case indicates pre war origin |
3 piece case with side panels and snap indicates post war origin |
Chrome on objective barrel (1) or front of pivot cover (2) or ocular barrel (3) indicates post war miniature binoculars |
Center Focus (1) indicates post war miniature binoculars |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
Chromed Prism covers (1) indicates post war miniature binoculars |
(1) |
Analyzing Crystal Post War Miniature Binoculars. Analyse von Crystal Miniatur-Ferngläsern. Analyse de Crystal Jumelles Miniatures. Анализ миниатюрных биноклей Crystal. Crystal ミニチュア双眼鏡の分析 . Analysera Crystal Miniatyrkikare.Analizando prismáticos en miniatura Crystal. Analizzando Crystal Piccolo Binocoli. |
Given the contract manufacturing nature of the Japanese binoculars industry, during the years before manufacturer codes appeared on Japanese binoculars (Nov 1959) and after the practice tapered off in the 1970s, ) hard data is less available so more detective work required. For example with the binoculars marked Crystal the design is quite distinctive and can be easily recognized across brand markings. These are post 1949 (occupied Japan marking requirement withdrawn that year) and may be post 1952 (end of occupation). But advertising of Crystal binoculars is observed 1951-1952, so these date from the early 1950s. Crystal is likely a model name of a Japanese ex.porter |
TKK logo Crystal serial number 2194 |
Unknown logo Crystal serial number 4585 |
Coated Crystal serial number 5056 |
Royal Crystal serial number 4565 |
The focus mechanism and front mount wheel of all these Crystal binoculars is distinctive |
MARK OHNO ミニチュア双眼鏡 миниатюрные бинокли |