Japanese External Reverse Porro Prism Binoculars. Internet MUSEUM |
Optistar 6x Miniature Binoculars, Without Markings. Das Miniaturfernglas Optistar 6x, Ohne Kennzeichnung. ŤOptistarť Jumelles Miniatures 6x, Sans Marquages. ŤOptistarť Миниатюрные бинокли, без маркировок. Optistar 6x ミニチュアの双眼鏡 . Optistar Miniature Kikare , Utan Markeringar. Ť Optistarť 6x Prismáticos en Miniatura, Sin Marcas. Binocolo Ť Optistarť 6x in Miniatura, Senza Marcature. |
UNMARKED [Optistar] binoculars Origin: Cassel, Germany. Serial number 41435. No Optistar marking, No 6x marking. Binoculars Sourced in the USA Collection of Mark Ohno |
Unmarked, Serial number 41435. ca 1927 |
Normal markings. Serial number 41431 ca 1927 or so. |
Unmarked, Serial number 41435. ca 1927 or so. |
Compare these interesting unmarked [Optistar] binoculars series number 41435, pictured above and at left, to the Optistar binoculars serial number 41431, pictured at right, which have normal markings. These unmarked binoculars left the production line just 4 binoculars after the normally marked binoculars. Pending future finds or information, these are the only unmarked Optistar binoculars documented that are known to us at this time. |
Additional Advertisements: Fata Morgana Binoculars Weitere Werbematerialien für Fata Morgana-Ferngläser. Annonces Supplémentaires: ŤFata Morganať Jumelles. Дополнительные рекламные объявления: ŤFata Morganať бинокль. 追加 のアドバタイズメント: Fata Morgana 双眼鏡 . Ytterligare annonser: Fata Morgana Kikare. Nuevos anuncios: ŤFata Morganať Prismáticos. Annunci Aggiuntivi di Binocolo ŤFata Morganať |
The George Mayerle Optical Co ran this Fata Morgana Ad without using the Fata Morgana name . It ran in the Optical Journal and Review of Optometry April 6, April 13, and April 22 of 1922. |
The George Mayerle Optical Co ran this Fata Morgana Ad without using the Fata Morgana name . It ran in the Optical Journal and Review of Optometry April 27, May 11, May 18, May 25, and June 1 of 1922. |
The George Mayerle Co ran this Fata Morgana Ad without using the Fata Morgana name . It appeared in the Optical Journal and Review of Optometry June 8, of 1922. Note Mention of a new tariff that would double prices! This would be the US Fordney-McCumber protective Tariff Bill which raised ad valorem US import tariffs in September 1922 to 38.5% |
Tariff |
The Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act of 1922 on Imported Goods in the USA. |
The protectionist Fordney-McCumber Tariff act in the USA was signed by president Warren Harding in September 1922. It allowed imported goods to be taxed based on any difference of lower production costs to what US production costs would be, and allowed imported goods to be taxed according to US retail sales price (rather than having the price or value calculated on pre importation wholesale or manufacturing cost). The result was an ad valorem import tariff of around 38.5%. It presumably curtailed or choked off importation of Fata Morgana binoculars, and US advertisement of Fata Morgana binoculars appeared to taper off in 1923. The retail price in 1922 was $25 (around $291 in 2017 US dollars). None of the 1923 Fata Morgana ads show a price. |
Fata Morgana Binoculettes Advertisement December 1923, Detmers, 354 South Broaday and 735 South Hill, Los Angeles, California (Opticians) |
Fata Morgana Binoculettes Advertisement December 1923, Texas Eganhouse Optical Co., 713 Main St., Houston, Texas |
The George Mayerle Optical Co ran this Fata Morgana Ad without using the Fata Morgana name . It ran in January 1922 |
The George Mayerle Optical Co ran this Fata Morgana Ad without using the Fata Morgana name . It ran in May 1922 in Lincoln Nebraska, USA. Similar ads ran in Pittsburg Pa. in Feb. 1922. |
Michaels Jewelry Store ran this Fata Morgana Ad without using the Fata Morgana name . It ran in Dec. 1921 in Green Bay Wisconsin, USA |
Fata Morgana Binoculars: Evolution of Eyepieces. Fata Morgana-Ferngläser: Evolution der Okulare. ŤFata Morganať Jumelles: Évolution des Oculaires. Fata Morgana Kikare: Okularets Utveckling. ŤFata Morganať Prismáticos: evolución de los Oculares. Binocolo ŤFata Morganať : Evoluzione Degli Oculari. |
Fata Morgana model Observed Serial numbers #680 - #6322 Pin plus slot type focusing mechanism |
Fata Morgana model Observed Serial numbers #8383 - #12691 Vertical knurl & pin on ring type focusing mechanism |
Fata Morgana model (gilded brass) Observed Serial numbers #14133 - #22421 Cross hatch knurl & pin on ring type focusing mechanism |
Fata Morgana model (painted aluminum) Observed Serial numbers #141330 - #22421 Cross hatch knurl & pin on ring |
Fata Morgana model. Observed Serial numbers #25071 - #25804 One piece Bakelite eyepiece / focus assembly, vertical knurl |
Prinzess model No serial number. One piece Bakelite eyepiece / focus assy, cross hatch knurl |
The George Mayerle Optical Co filed for a patent on the name Binoculettes in December 1921, claiming use since August 1920, recorded in the Gazette of the United States Patent Office Volume 296 March 1922. |
December 1922 advertisement using the trade marked name Binoculette for Fata Morgana binoculars, by Washington DC USA jeweler A. Kahn Inc. |
December 1923 Fata Morgana binoculars advertisement by Washington DC USA jeweler A. Kahn Inc. (binoculars are upside down) |
April 8, 1925 Fata Morgana binoculars advertisement by Washington DC USA jeweler A. Kahn Inc. Perhaps the latest documented advertisement. They advertised the binoculars pictured upside down for 3 years! |
April 8 1925 Fata Morgana binoculars advertisement by Washington DC USA jeweler A. Kahn Inc. |
Plate Glass Factory, Reno, Nevada USA, Dec. 23, 1923 |
TWO CONSECUTIVE Fata Morgana Binoculars (serial number 9613, and serial number 9614), with Serial Number on Prism Cover. ZWEI KONSECUTIVE Fata Morgana Ferngläser (Seriennummer 9613 und Seriennummer 9614), mit Seriennummer auf der Prismenabdeckung. Deux jumelles Fata Morgana CONSECUTIVE (numéro de série 9613 et numéro de série 9614), avec numéro de série sur le cache-prisme. ДВУХ КОНСУЛЬТАТИВНЫЕ БИНОККУЛЫ Fata Morgana ( серийный номер 9613 и серийный номер 9614) с серийным номером на крышке призмы. 2 つの連続したファタモルガナ双眼鏡(シリアルナンバー 9613 、 シリアルナンバー 9614 )、 プリズムカバーのシリアル番号 Tvĺ konsekventa Fata Morgana kikare (serienummer 9613 och serienummer 9614), med serienummer pĺ prismakseln. DOS CONSECUTIVOS Prismáticos Fata Morgana (número de serie 9613 y número de serie 9614), con Número de serie en la cubierta de prisma.DUE CONSECUTIVI Binocoli Fata Morgana (numero di serie 9613 e numero di serie 9614),con numero di serie sulla copertura del prisma. |
MANY THANKS TO PAPIĆ DARKO OF NOVI SAD, VOJVODINA,SERBIA for assistance in acquiring the Fata Morgana binoculars serial number #9613, Fata Morgana serial number #9614 obtained from UK auction a month or so later. |
Acquiring a number of examples of a serial numbered items, especially those displaying variations, allows a glimpse into the pattern and sequence and evolution of design and production changes. Fata Morgana binoculars had a number of such changes, involving the ocular focus parts, frame thickness, prism cover retention, embellishments, and cases. As far as can be observed from near the start of production to serial number 6322 the serial number of Fata Morgana binoculars was stamped on the frame. Observed from serial number 8383 to 9613 the serial number was stamped on a prism cover. From serial number 10,202 the serial numbers were observed stamped on the frame again. |
These Fata Morgana binoculars display the second or third pattern of focus mechanism (ring, pin, vertical knurl), the first pattern of 6mm thinner frame thickness, and the first pattern of prism cover retention (without side screw), as well as having the serial number on the prism cover. |
Fata Morgana 4x binoculars # 9613, Origin: Cassel, Germany. Binoculars Sourced in SERBIA Collection of Mark Ohno |
CONTACT US WITH INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: miniature.binoculars@gmail.com |
As a product proceeds along the production line or steps of production there is a point where a serial number is assigned, either by a part being stamped with a serial number or by a part previously marked with a serial number being attached. At that point consecutive serial numbered items may be together, but in packing and in separation of groups for domestic and export orders, and in destination distribution and retailing, consecutive numbered product seldom stay together. I once purchased two consecutive serial numbered new rifles that a local FFL dealer had, but both he and I thought that was a really uncommon circumstance. I had been looking for consecutive serial number vintage miniature binoculars since I started collecting them, without any great expectation I would achieve that. I was extremely surprised to wind up owning 2 consecutive serial numbered early production Fata Morgana binoculars. Lets look at the odds against that happening. These two early production Fata Morgana binoculars left the manufacturer in war ravaged and depressed Germany probably around 3 years after world War One, and likely in 1920 or 1921. One made its way to the UK, and the other made its way Serbia (and if it went directly then it actually went to the 1918 formed Kingdom of the Serbs and Croats). The survival rate for these Fata Morgana binoculars the 97 or so years to 2018 is probably not huge, based on a half dozen to dozen per year surfacing for sale on various auction sites around the world, and the limited quantity of serial numbers of survivors I have been able to document from any source. I was approached by Papić Darko through the website and imported his pair (serial number 9613) from Serbia to the USA. A few weeks later I noticed serial number 9614 on a UK auction site and bid on ands won and imported them from the UK. The odds against that sequence of events transpiring has to be quite large. (If any statisticians out there thinks that they can calculate the odds please email me at miniature.binocrldulars@ gmail.com). These are the only two Fata Morgana binoculars with serial number on the prism covers that I am aware of, and I think the practice probably only lasted less than a few hundred serial numbers before serial numbers returned to the frames. Some serial numbers a bit before and some after exist but I cant find photos to confirm serial number location. |
Fata Morgana 4x binoculars # 9613, Origin: Cassel, Germany. Binoculars Sourced from a UK auction sold by Hannah Bignell of Tring, Borough Dacorum, Hertfordshire, Chiltern Hills, UK Collection of Mark Ohno |
These Fata Morgana binoculars display all the features of the binoculars one serial number previous (shown above). Amazing. Less fortunately they came with a screw adjuster spall chipped prism from a drop on a hard surface and left side prism rattling loose in the prism cover with loss of view plus left side filthy optics. (none disclosed in the auction). I had to free both the adjuster screws with heat and rob a prism from another pair of Fata Morgana binoculars and disassemble and clean to get these functional. |
Screw adjuster spall chipped prism in these I had to replace |
Late Production 4x Fata Morgana Binoculars from Australia |
Very late production Fata Morgana binoculars in pasteboard carry case, with makeup type mirror, so set presumably intended to appeal to the female market. Thanks to Andrew Newman of Black Rock Victoria Australia for assistance in acquiring these binoculars. |
1920 German magazine ad for Fata Morgana binoculars and Alfred Baumann. Collection of Mark Ohno |
MARK OHNO ミニチュア双眼鏡 миниатюрные бинокли |
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